Amazon Prime Day 2024: The best deals from Apple, Anker, Sony, Lego and more during the October Big Deal Days sale

Amazon Prime Day 2024: The best deals from Apple, Anker, Sony, Lego and more during the October Big Deal Days sale

facai369 2024-10-09 旅游 607 次浏览 0个评论

Amazon's October Prime Day has brought a slew of discounts across the entirety of Amazon’s online storefront. As expected, going to Amazon’s site gets overwhelming really quickly. Even if you came prepared with a wishlist of items you hope to buy on sale, it can be easy to get distracted by the thousands of other deals available during this members-only shopping event. If any of the items on your list happen to be tech or tech related, Engadget has you covered. We’ve scoured Amazon to find the October Prime Day deals on tech that you can get this year. We’ll be updating this post regularly throughout both days of Prime Day, so check back to see the latest discounts.

Best Prime Day deals: Engadget's top picks

转载请注明来自微俐电商,本文标题:《Amazon Prime Day 2024: The best deals from Apple, Anker, Sony, Lego and more during the October Big Deal Days sale》




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